Crònica del I Congrés de l’APTIC

Benvolguts amics,

Ens fa molta il·lusió presentar-vos la crònica del I Congrés de l’APTIC. Jornades de comunicació, traducció i interpretació que han escrit les nostres sòcies Angelica Ripa, de la Comissió de Comunicació, i Mercè Bolló, de la Comissió d’Aptic 001-3Universitats.

D’altra banda, en aquest enllaç teniu les fotografies del congrés, fetes per Manuel Gómez Lorenzo.


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Save the world – for fun and profit?

Course details
Date: 12 December 2014
Time: 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Location: APTIC headquarters
Duration: 1.5 hours
Language: English

Free activity

Face-to-face attendance
Number of places: 60.




This year at APTIC, we want to discuss the idea of volunteering and think about which projects are worth giving our time to, but also the limits of voluntary work to ensure that no one takes advantage of our good will (particularly companies seeking profit). We want to know your experience and start off the New Year by encouraging you to participate in voluntary projects. As we believe it is important to engage with our community and our world, we invite you to join in this talk led by an expert in the area.

Attila Piróth is coming to Barcelona to talk to us about the voluntary work of translators and interpreters in the humanitarian sector: what do we need to bear in mind when we volunteer? What type of organisations do we want to help? And which organisations we should avoid? These are a few of the questions Attila will cover and that we discuss after his talk.

Christian Olalla, founder of the Translation and Interpreting Students’ Association and founding member of ECOS (Translators and Interpreters for Social Activism in Barcelona) will moderate and lead the session.

The discussion will be held in English.

Afterwards, we will celebrate the festivities with some nibbles for members.

We’ll be expecting you!


Attila Piróth holds a PhD in Theoretical Physics and an MSc in Scientific Translation. The choice between the two careers was made when he was presented with the opportunity to translate some of Einstein’s original articles. In 2007, Attila passed the American Translators Association’s certification exam, which boosted his freelance career in the international market. In the same year, he set up the Solidarités translation team with the dual aim of providing linguistic aid to a humanitarian organisation and creating a unique co-working environment where translators can network around worthy projects. In 2009 he started mentoring early-career translators, and in 2010 he joined the International Association of Professional Translators and Interpreters (IAPTI) to promote ethical business practices in the telecommunications sector. He is the Vice President of IAPTI’s Ethics Committee and the deputy chair of ATA’s Hungarian language group.

Attila has given workshops and conference talks in 10 countries.


Christian Olalla Soler is a German and Russian to Catalan and Spanish translator. He is a lecturer in Translation Theory at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, where he is also undertaking PhD studies in Translation and Intercultural Studies.


If you would like to register for the activity, please send an email to

Places are limited and allocated by order of registration. We will confirm your place via e-mail.

We remind you that just because an activity is free, that does not mean it is without value. The Association invests both its time and resources in putting it on. So if you reserve a place and cannot come, please let us know with sufficient notice to allow us to give your place to someone else. Thanks.

Registration deadline: 11/12/2014.

If you arrive late on the day and find the door shut, please call the APTIC mobile (available only during activities): 634 594 474.

Continue ReadingSave the world – for fun and profit?

Next Translator Meeting organized by MET and APTIC

The fall season of our Translator Meetings organized by MET and APTIC comes to a close in December!

We will once again meet at CAT Tradicionàrius in Gràcia for interesting conversations and a bit of fun informal networking on Wednesday, December 3rd. Yes, next week!

Last month’s meeting set a new record in terms of attendance and even included a visit from two interpreters from Serbia. Thank you to everyone who joined us!

This month we are not scheduling a talk, but we hope to do so again in the near future. If you’d like to give a mini talk, please get in touch. We’d love to hear your ideas! We are also open to new venue suggestions so if you know of a good place, please let us know.

Although the meetings are organized by MET and APTIC, they’re open to all language professionals, regardless of whether you’re a member or not. We would like these meetings to provide professionals who don’t know our associations yet with the chance to discover what we’re all about!

We look forward to seeing you in December for our season finale!

WHEN: Wednesday, December 3, 2014 at 7pm
WHERE: CAT Tradicionàrius, Plaça d’Anna Frank, Gràcia

If you plan on joining us, please sign up on Doodle.

Upcoming get-togethers will take place on the following dates:


Our first meeting of 2015 will take place in February.

Ideas, suggestions, feedback? Please contact us at

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